Monday, January 3, 2011


Wow. I guess the only thing I can really say regarding my absence from this blog is the obligatory, “I’ve been busy but busy in a good way!” as an opener—which technically I’ve already said.

With that out of the way—there’s definitely good reason as to why I’ve been away so long without a single update, actually a few good reasons. Within the past year, I’ve started an official Facebook page for my Original Graphic Novel Series named, Part Time Shuffle. Sketches, character notes, random links to music I’m listening while working on the series, as well as other promotional tidbits will be announced on this Facebook. If you like what you see, definitely give me holler!!/parttimeshuffle

Along with the PTS Facebook page, I have another announcement that I’m pretty giddy about and weirdly enough I announced it on my DA but not here…I also have an official website for the series as well!

It’s been in the making for quite some time and finally went public toward the end of 2010! This will be the main source for the on-going series until the publishing situation changes (hmmmm). You can also read the 41 page sample chapter of awesome there while awaiting the official launch of the series, which will be happening really soon. No confirmed announcements for con appearances just yet but dates will be coming soon.

While the beefykunoichi website is still up at the moment, that will be coming down rather soon for an upgraded version in the near future. It served its purpose for the time being but it will return with a new look, and purpose. With that said, I definitely will be a little more prominent here and I hope you look forward to more updates from me in the future! To my fellow art friends working the grind like myself, good luck to you and your projects, and keep forward no matter. Whatever your vision is for your project, only you can offer it the way that YOU can. Keep moving! To my fellow fans, good luck to you in life and I hope you all have a wonderful year!

Also before I go, you definitely want to check out this new band I've recently stumbled upong called Project Dolphin. Their music composition is very reminiscent of Shinji Hosoe, and lots of old Sega games! One of the band members is only known for his amazing prowess at making combo videos in fighting games, namely Capcom fighting games ! Check out the trailer for his new videos to come in 2011!

-Beefy Kunoichi

NOTE: Tettrazini Impact is still on the way...just will be a little different.

Shoutouts to axl99 for the colors once again! Shoutouts to everyone who follows this blog as well!


CA3 said...

Looks like your comic is off to a good start. I hope that you don't mind, but I went ahead and got it listed on You can find the listing here if you're curious. Best of luck to you with your comic.


I'm really shocked anyone saw this, I'm really grateful you took the time to do that! Thanks, I appreciate the support!