Saturday, January 16, 2010


I interrupt my normal scheduled blog to bring you this special report:

Some have seen the mysterious photo of a portion of my comic being viewed on my Vizio and the lolz which came from that...well I'm revealing a bit more now...

As I’ve implied I do have an announcement to make, and yes its rather beefy. After a lot of work in between other contracted jobs and life overall, I’ve been able to finally finish my pitchwork for Part Time Shuffle. Its been a long road, involving quite a few redraws, bouts of frustration, and a little lost sleep…not too much. It’s a small step in a big journey toward getting this published hopefully—but I still have work cut out for me. As it stands, the entire sample book is available to read online here…

Of course, while it is readable there are some things that aren’t legible due to seeing it at a reduced size—so that means, it would be nice if you could see it close up right? Well, you just may have that opportunity in2010. More details will follow once more things are confirmed. As it stands, I think I could’ve done a lot more in the time frame concerning my pitchbook but at the same time I’m happy with the “small step” I just made concerning this particular project. There were definitely a lot of lessons from it—as any artist realizes during, and A LOT of after you’ve finished your work.

Am I scared? Definitely. I know its impossible to please everyone—but I think that my sample piece will be enjoyed by enough people that more would want to actually read the comic, at least that’s my goal. I have the series mapped out already at this point with some leeway to add new characters in filler spots but time will tell in terms of when they will show up. In the meantime, I’ll still do promotional art to post on DA, as well as bring back some old school ads I did awhile back that were on my old DA page. One thing is for sure, I hope to get more Part Time Shuffle to people this year than I ever have.

Everyone goes through things they don’t like going through sometimes but I can definitely say I met a lot of people who have encouraged me to work harder at my craft and not to give in to what most do in this industry. There are too many people to list right now (I might still try) but I'm thankful for being able to surround myself (on the internet for now) around alot of influential and talented people.

I don’t think that what I’m doing is so innovative that it would change the world of comics, I’m not crazy enough to think that. One thing is for sure, I just want people to be able to laugh and have a good time with my characters, possibly so much so that they won’t be reading about Meiko’s combos but one day actually doing them online….lol

Stay Beefy.

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